Closing your diastasis is all about healing your connective tissue and healing your connective tissue is not an overnight process.

What I have discovered after teaching my program for over 20 years is that my program is most successful with my support. That is why I started my 18-week online support program. So people from all over the world could get support. I decided to make it ongoing with no termination date. That way, if life got in your way and you fell off the wagon ….you would know I would be waiting here for you to get back on! Also, if you have a severe diastasis and don’t close it in 18 weeks you can continue using the program until you do close it. It comes with my packages or you can buy it on its own. However, It's best to get it with the package as the package is discounted and has everything you need to do the program.

My support program has weekly videos where you can do the exercises with me, weekly tips and a blog for you to connect with others doing the program.

The part that I love the best about my support program is my live webinars where I will talk about different aspects of the program as well as answer everyone's questions. The webinars are recorded and then put on the course site so you can watch them as many times as you like. You can use this support program on your own at your own pace OR you can do it with a group.

We start a new class at the beginning of each month. Also, if you want to get a belly buddy for daily support we will connect you with someone. I look forward to meeting you and of course seeing your amazing before and after photos in week 18 of the program.

To find out more about how to close your diastasis with the Tupler Technique click on the link below for a free copy of my Tupler Tips.

To learn more about Diastasis Recti & the Tupler Technique® read this article: DIASTASIS RECTI RESEARCH AND EVIDENCED BASED EXERCISE PROGRAM

To view my programs click this link: Save on Packages


Watch the short video below to know what a diastasis is.

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