The other very routine (and less private) movement that has a profound effect on a diastasis is the simple act of getting in or out of bed, or otherwise up or down from a back-lying position. Imagine a movie scene where an alarm rings and you see someone popping up out of bed to a sitting position straight from sleeping on his or her back. You probably do this yourself. I call this jack-knifing, and I’ve had a client literally undo weeks of hard work by accidentally getting up this way a few times. That’s a lot of sudden force on the connective tissue.
According to one client, following my method below is the same advice she heard from an orthopedist, who made recommendations on how to alleviate lower back pain. The advice she heard was, “Popping up out of bed is for 8-year-old kids, but adults need to support themselves with their arms to protect the back.” I half-agree; kids should get up this way, too.
Here’s how you do it:
Getting Up/Getting Down Instructions
Do all positions holding in the transverse at the 5th floor the entire time.
Back-lying to sitting:
- Bend your knees.
- Without lifting your head roll to your side.
- Use your arms to bring you up to a sitting position.
Sitting to back-lying:
- Use both arms from a side-lying position to bring
your upper body down.
- When your head touches down, roll on your back.