Check out Tara Losquadro Liddle’s new book on ‘Why Motor Skills Matter’

Tara Losquadro Liddle just wrote a new book on Why Motor Skills Matter and how parents and grandparents can help young children develop physically to optimize their motor skills for life. What resonated with me is how small things matter and some of the things we may think to do are not ideal for a child’s development.

Tara Losquadro is a pediatric physical therapist practicing for over 30 years. She is currently the Regional Director of pediatric therapy at MOTION PT Group. Tara wrote Why Motor Skills Matter to help parents understand the importance of touch, movement, and play. She wants to help parents raise emotionally well balanced, more coordinated and happier children who are able to easily integrate the environment around them.

Often physical development is taken for granted, but developing motor skills is fundamental to a child’s growth-not just physically, but socially, emotionally, and potentially cognitively as well.

A critical part of play is exercise. Exercise builds motor skills, establishes core physical strength and the bio-mechanical patterns that will last a life time.

Exploration leads to creative thinking.

Achieving the developmental sequence is critical for the well-balanced child

Achieving proper alignment and postural control early on can help prevent many postural and orthopedic problems that often crop up later on

A sensory enriched environment will have a positive and lasting effect on a child.

Why Motor Skills Matter is a must read!

Why Motor Skills Matter


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