If you are located in the New York Tri-state area, you can sign up for our Everybelly Seminar® on Monday, August 13th from 2PM to 5PM in NYC. Julie Tupler, RN, THE expert on diastasis recti, will not only check your belly for a diastasis, but will teach you the how to close it with her research and evidenced based Tupler Technique® Program. The goal of the Tupler Technique® is to heal the weakened connective tissue that joins your outermost abdominal muscles. As the connective tissue becomes stronger and shallower the muscles gradually come together. Register by July 31st and save 50% off. Use code: EB18
To register, visit: https://diastasisrehab.com/shop/services/31-everybelly-seminar.html
Julie only gives these seminars in NYC three times a year so take advantage of this wonderful opportunity that will change both your belly and your life!