It’s 2018 and hope is here for you and your family for a better belly

It’s a new year and time for a new belly for everyone in your family! Yes, your partner and your children may also have a diastasis. Click here to learn how to check for a diastasis.

Closing your diastasis with the Tupler Technique® is the answer. This program requires a commitment and Julie wants to support you in that commitment. For the month of January, she wants to support you by giving you $5 discount off our already discounted packages and if you purchase Julie’s new Together Tummy book with any package, you will receive $10 off the book as well as a lifetime membership to her book club where she will answer all your questions about the program in her book club webinar that she gives every other month.
Here’s your promo code for $5 off any of our packages:  NEWYEARNEWBELLY

Here’s your promo code for $10 off a package and book: NYNB10

If you have any questions, please email us at  


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