Julie Tupler RN is Featured on Your Thriving Baby 4: New Life, New You

Listen, I get it. A lot has changed.

  • You’re likely stuck in a body you hardly recognize
  • You have a tiny human attached to you 24/7
  • You’re feeling like a good night’s sleep is a distant memory,
  • And like you would give anything to know that you’re not totally sucking at this whole mom thing!

We’ll address each and every one of these feelings—and the very real issues behind them—during the masterclass, but for now it’s important you know that no matter what your days look like right now, and no matter how long it has been since you last showered, or how many take-out meals you’ve ordered and pounds you think you still have to lose… you’re doing a great job.

Each of the speakers who’ve been invited to participate in The Postpartum Masterclass, want you to know that this Masterclass isn’t about pointing out what you’re doing “wrong.” Quite the contrary… we want to make sure you know that you’re doing an amazing job. We want you to walk away with the tools you need to infuse ease and flow into your relationship with your baby.

That ease could be an extra hour of sleep, a more effective and comfortable breastfeeding experience, a successful babywearing session, or catching a glimpse of your postpartum self in the mirror and loving yourself exactly as you are right now.

Whatever it is for you, that’s what we’re here to help facilitate for you.

The Postpartum Masterclass was designed specifically to help support women like you. Women who are doing anything and everything they can to navigate the complicated changes that come along with motherhood.

We’re here and ready to give you the love and support you need at a time when we know you need it the most.


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