Need Support With Doing the Tupler Technique®

Please watch this short video giving you the logistics of the Tupler Technique® Program.

Get support in doing the Tupler Technique® Program with our 18-Week Online Support.

Let’s admit it- exercise is always easier when you do it with someone else. That is why everyone is assigned a “belly buddy” to provide ongoing support every day.

Having someone ask you if you have done your exercises today…will make it easier and more fun to do. You also have the opportunity to chat with the rest of the participants in the program, on a weekly discussion board, with how they are doing and compare notes.

Are you concerned whether you are doing the program correctly? If you are, be concerned no more. Julie will answer all your questions and illustrate how to do things on the three one-hour live webinars. AND there are no stupid questions- so ask away.

If you cannot attend the live webinar, submit your questions anyway as the webinars are recorded and the link is stored on the course site, so you can watch it anytime. The webinars are at the end of week one, three and six.

If you are wondering what you should be doing each week, the course has a weekly video telling you what you should be doing.

And lastly, is our contest! There is a contest for the BEST BELLY.  So you have the opportunity to win a free Skype session with Julie AND a brand new splint. After the course, you will probably need a smaller size. The before and after photos will totally motivate you to continue to do the program for the 18 weeks, which the program progresses to, and hopefully for the rest of your life!

So jump on board and let’s get started with getting you a better belly! Register here: and use this code to get $25 off the price. We only take 18 people so don’t put it off, and then have to wait until January to do the next course.

To learn more about Diastasis Recti & the Tupler Technique® read this article: DIASTASIS RECTI RESEARCH AND EVIDENCED BASED EXERCISE PROGRAM

To view my programs click this link: Save on Packages


Watch the short video below to know what a diastasis is.

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