The Best Way to Make Your Diastasis Smaller During Pregnancy

Yes, you definitely can!

The program wouldn’t exist today if I hadn’t created Elevators as an exercise for pregnant women to help them push their babies out correctly, creating an easier time in labor. I realized that as each student became bigger during the duration of her pregnancy, her diastasis would get smaller, as long as she was doing her Elevators faithfully. This was quite a shock, as these results had never been cited anywhere previously. I realized if my clients could shrink a diastasis while pregnant, then they could really do some effective repair work after the baby came.

Around the same time, I noticed that most of my clients who had the largest diastasis to start with, were the ones who did crunches. Along with realizing that crunches were contributing to the problem, I began to see the correlation between the action of the transverse muscle and separation of the muscles. I methodically began tailoring my exercises with some trial and error until my clients got the best results in closing their abdominal gaps. For example, I noticed that the isometric squeeze at the end of the Elevators really made a difference. Having a physical therapist as client was also an enlightening experience for me, since she was usually so highly aware of what was happening with the muscles in her body. Because of this, the fact that she reported not being able to feel her transverse muscle working really stumped me at first. It seemed her diastasis was so wide that it pre-empted her usually keen perception of what her muscles were doing.

In thinking about how to address this problem, I came up with the idea for the splint. When I gave her one of my very first prototypes to wear, she said it was suddenly like a magical moment, where she was able to finally feel her transverse muscle at work. This was when I realized that splinting was going to play an important role in my program—both for keeping the recti muscles and connective tissue in their proper place, and also for bringing awareness of the transverse to my clients.


To learn more about Diastasis Recti & the Tupler Technique® read this article: DIASTASIS RECTI RESEARCH AND EVIDENCED BASED EXERCISE PROGRAM

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Watch the short video below to know what a diastasis is.


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