Teaching Women How To Train For Pregnancy

Ritu Kumar Singh, a Tupler Technique professional, talks about encouraging the Natural vaginal birthing process teaching pregnant women and preparing them for the load on bodies postpartum in an article featured in the Hindustan Times

Read it here: Stay fit with Capt. Ritu Kumar Singh’s FIT MOMS FITTER HOMES Mantra

Ritu Kumar Singh is a Fitness trainer and specializes in Women fitness. She is also certified in Nutrition from ISSA. She is honored to be the first licensee in India. She has served as a Short Service Commissioned Officer (Ex-Captain) in the Indian Army for 5 years. Having been served in Indian Army, she has been into various sporting activities. She is a mother of two young girls.

She started her page on  her social media handle "FIT MOMS FITTER HOMES" with an aim to educate women about the right techniques and exercises which needs to be done by them pre and post natal. She is now determined to educate all men and women and create awareness about the ill effects of having an abdominal separation. She believes that if each individual incorporates Tupler Technique in their day to day activities, then they can easily avoid and get rid of various problems like back, hip pain and other GI Issues, which seems to be very common these days.

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