If you’ve watched the video in this blog- we’re sure you can’t help but notice the determination of the fish. Although the video could be called cute or funny, it really is quite a powerful video. It shows the true meaning of commitment.
The fish had determination, and although it made a few wrong turns and a couple of rest stops-it didn’t give up. And that resilience got it back to its natural habitat (the water) and ultimately saved its life.
We want you to commit to that same determination the fish showed, and think about how fabulous you will look and feel when you close your diastasis! When you get discouraged, think about the fish again- how it never gave up.
That is what the Tupler Technique® asks of everyone who seriously wants to close their diastasis recti- Commitment. The Tupler Technique® is a four-step program, which includes, the exercises, splinting, and getting up and down correctly. However, there is a step that proceeds all of the above- COMMITMENT. ON your mark—get set–Go!
Our Six Week Online Support Program starts Oct 9. Having support makes the program a lot easier! Click here for more information.
If I can do it with no abdominal muscles, so can you! Here are the four steps:
Step 1: Seated Exercises:
It’s important to gain transverse strength as you need to use this muscle all the time. These exercises can be done in your car, while watching TV or while feeding your baby. They can be incorporated into your activities of daily living. No matter what your lifestyle- stay-at-home mom, or if you work a full-time career, you can commit to the Tupler Technique® exercises.
Step 2: Wearing the Diastasis Rehab Splint®:
In the real estate business, it is location, location, location. In the diastasis business, it is the same. Location, location, location. Location of the muscles and location of the connective tissue. Wearing the splint puts the muscles closer together so they move in the right direction–front to back. With a large diastasis, they will move sideways. A sideways movement stretches the connective tissue. The splint takes the stretch off the stretched out connective tissue putting it a better position to heal and do the exercises. The splint, like a cast, must be worn all the time so the connective tissue can heal.
Step 3: Engaging your transverse:
You use your transverse muscle with every move you make and every breath you take. So it’s important that you have an “awareness” that it’s moving in the right direction–backwards. If it moves forward, it stretches the connective tissue. Stretching of the connective tissue will not allow it to heal. So you must learn to engage it with activities of daily living during the first six weeks, then when you exercise starting in week six of the program.
Step 4- Getting up and down correctly:
Getting up and down, from a seated to standing position and from a seated to back lying position, is a huge forward forceful movement if not done correctly and the transverse muscle is not engaged. Therefore, learning how to do this correctly will prevent undoing all the gains you’ve made with the program. One jackknife (coming straight up from a back lying position) can undo three weeks of work!
We’re so excited you are doing the program. We support you 100%
To learn more about Diastasis Recti & the Tupler Technique® read this article: DIASTASIS RECTI RESEARCH AND EVIDENCED BASED EXERCISE PROGRAM
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Watch the short video below to know what a diastasis is.