Julie Tupler, RN Discusses Diastasis Recti Solutions in Ezvid Inc's Video Wiki for Moms

Julie Tupler, RN was recently featured in a video wiki titled - "Fitness And Health Resources For Moms" published by the California technology company Ezvid Inc.

She talks about the purpose and goal of the Everybelly® Seminar for a person with a diastasis as well as its effects on the body, and how to correct it with the Tupler Technique® Program.

Wiki.ezvid.com first released video wikis in 2010 now it has grown into "the largest and most comprehensive video wiki on the planet, providing useful, unbiased information and actionable guidance to hundreds of millions of users around the world, in thousands of knowledge categories."

Click on the image below to view the video wiki:

To learn more about Diastasis Recti & the Tupler Technique® read this article: DIASTASIS RECTI RESEARCH AND EVIDENCED BASED EXERCISE PROGRAM

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Watch the short video below to know what a diastasis is.


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