Most people discover they have a diastasis recti because they are unhappy about the way their abdomen looks and they want to do something about it. Yet even having a small diastasis that doesn’t protrude noticeably can create health problems in the short or long term.
Supposing you’re not one of the women who suffers from the embarrassment of being asked when your baby is due when your baby just celebrated his sixth birthday, a diastasis can still wreak havoc on your body in a number of other ways, regardless if you’re male or female. When the abdominal muscles are in their correct position, they support the back and keep the internal organs in their proper place like a natural girdle. But when the muscles are stretched apart from each other, this back and organ support system ceases to exist, frequently causing back pain and gastrointestinal problems.
Understanding the linea alba and what happens when the recti muscles come apart is key to comprehending the scope of the diastasis problem. The linea alba, which literally means white line, is a piece of connective tissue that binds the recti muscles together. It’s made up of fibrous, tendon-like tissue, which ideally maintains its dense and supportive qualities to provide your torso with the proper support it needs. When the recti muscles are together as they should be, the linea alba is like a sturdy cord or a piece of rope, vertically situated between them—sort of like caulk between bathroom tiles, holding them in place.
However, when the recti muscle come apart, the linea alba stretches out to each side like a sheet of plastic wrap, losing its elasticity and its memory to contract. The more abdominal force that is applied to the connective tissue, the less resilient and more stretched-out it becomes. Now instead of your recti muscles keeping your organs in place and supporting your back, you have the biological equivalent of overused cling-wrap trying to hold everything in position
To learn more about Diastasis Recti & the Tupler Technique® read this article: DIASTASIS RECTI RESEARCH AND EVIDENCED BASED EXERCISE PROGRAM
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Watch the short video below to know what a diastasis is.