Teach The Tupler Technique®
Professional Training Program:
Julie Tupler, RN now trains medical and fitness professionals all over the world how to teach the Tupler Technique® Program.
There are two potential types of Trainers. Firstly, medical professionals that want to add the Tupler Technique® to their practice, and secondly, fitness professionals keen to create a new business featuring a “diastasis safe” place to work out with the Tupler Technique®.
There are a number of benefits of becoming taking the Training:
- Only Tupler Technique® Trained Professionals can teach and sell the Tupler Technique® programs and products. Products are not available in stores.
- Low overhead and small investment to become trained.
- Commissions to Trainers for referrals to company.
- Support and education from creator Julie Tupler, RN and staff.
- On-going global marketing of the Tupler Technique® brand to medical professionals.
The Tupler Technique®…..
an Established Brand Name
Physical Therapists are using the Tupler Technique® to treat diastasis recti.
In 2012, an article was published in the Journal of Womens Health Physical Therapy (Vol 36 pp-131-142) in which 29.4% of Physical Therapists who were interviewed said that they used the Tupler Technique® to treat diastasis recti. Tupler Technique® is the ONLY research- based program (Columbia University Program in Physical Therapy) proven to effectively treat a diastasis recti. Tupler Technique® is the gold standard program used by midwife and childbirth educators who use the Maternal Fitness® book on their required reading list.

Tupler Technique® has benefited thousands of women during and after pregnancy since 1990.