A client asked me today a question that I know will be of interest to many women doing this program.
“Can you undo weeks of work from one mistake? Once in a while I sometimes forget and do a wrong movement then I feel like I have to restart the program again. Is this necessary? I’m worried that all my hard work with the exercises will be for nothing if I ever move the wrong way. I’m trying to make sure I get out of bed properly, sneeze, and pick up my baby properly. However, I’m not sure with all that I do in my day that it all comes out perfect. Is it really that easy to un-do all the progress from the exercises?
There is not really one answer to this question of “how easy” it is to open up your diastasis because there are several variables involved. It depends on the condition of your connective tissue, the type of wrong movement that you do and how often you do that movement.
It is harder to re- open your muscles if your connective tissue is very shallow. That is the most important concept to remember. Very shallow connective tissue is strong connective tissue. So if you have very shallow and strong connective tissue one wrong move will NOT separate the muscles. It will actually take many continuous wrong movements!
It is very important that you know how to check yourself for a diastasis and you monitor the distance and the condition of your connective tissue. This is especially important to do when you start to exercise in week six of the program. That way you will know right away if you are doing something that is opening it up again.
Getting up and down from a back lying to a seated, seated to back lying, seated to standing and standing to seated without holding in your transverse muscle put the most amount of force on your connective. It is “impossible” to hold your transverse in when doing jack knives or roll backs so these two movements are bad for both your diastasis and your back!
If you feel your diastasis is starting to open, then you will have to start wearing the splint again. You do not have to start the program all over because you have a strong transverse muscle and you want to continue to have a strong transverse muscle whether your diastasis is open or closed. I recommend that you continue to incorporate the
Tupler Technique ® Program into your exercise routine for the rest of your life and have your exercise routine be diastasis safe. For example…no crunches….ever!
If you want to learn more about making your diastasis smaller with the Tupler Technique®, please click on the link HERE for a free copy of my Tupler Tips.
To learn more about Diastasis Recti & the Tupler Technique® read this article: DIASTASIS RECTI RESEARCH AND EVIDENCED BASED EXERCISE PROGRAM
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