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What Happens to Your Abdominal Muscles When You Have A Diastasis?

Are you having difficulty feeling your abdominal muscles working and wondering why?

Diastasis recti is a separation of your abdominal muscles. The research and evidence-based Tupler Technique® program that treats diastasis recti in women men and children no matter how you got it or how long you've had it. I've been treating this condition for 30 years now and one thing i know for sure is that when your muscles separate, they move in a different direction making it so much harder to feel them working when your muscles have separated four fingers or more and you try to engage them, they move side to side.

That is why it is so important to reposition them and bring them close together so they now can move in the right direction front to back. You can only strengthen your abdominal muscles and bring your separated muscles together if they are close together.


To learn more about how to do this and how to bring your separated muscles together with the Tupler Technique® please click on the link below and register for my complimentary introductory program.  

You’ll learn how to:

• Check yourself for a diastasis.

• Learn about the research & evidence-based 4-step TUPLER TECHNIQUE® Exercise Program.

• Diastasis-safe workouts


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