Repairing your Diastasis recti?

Have you gotten tired of the question “when are you due?” Thinking what you should do with that large belly that still makes you look pregnant AKA ab separation AKA Diastasis Recti Abdominis(DRA)?

By now you must have already known that DRA is a separation of the muscles along the midline of the abdomen.

Undoubtedly you have, with scholarly fervor and determination, vowed to turn to trusty ol’ Google to embark on a quest for information on the next logical step ----- treatment of DRA. You might type in the words– diastasis recti repair or treatment in the Google search box.

Well, you’re in luck.

You just saved yourself from hours of scouring for information on the internet. Read through this blog and learn the answers to the 9 most burning question about repairing diastasis recti.

Some women think that having diastasis recti is a permanent condition, accepting it as a normal side effect after giving birth. However, it can only be permanent when you allow it to be! DRA commonly occurs on women but not exclusively. It also affects men and children as well. Needless to say, having diastasis recti is not an easy burden for anyone.



Simply put, it is a number of medical treatments aimed at correcting DRA. It does this by closing the gap that is caused by the separated abdominal muscles. This can be done by strengthening the abdominal muscles and repairing the connective tissues which holds them together until it returns into its normal position. Another way is through a surgical procedure commonly known as a tummy tuck aka abdominoplasty. With a tummy tuck they are just sewing the connective tissue. I have seen clients whose tummy tucks have come undone.


After reading the long but effective methods of diastasis recti repair whether it is through exercise or surgery, you might be wondering: do I really have to undergo one of these methods or will my diastasis recti repair or close the gap by itself as time passes? 

Unfortunately, without exercise or tummy-tuck surgery, it would be impossible for your diastasis recti to repair itself. This condition only gets worse as you age! Separation of the abdominal muscles is not something that can repair itself, as it is already stretched out of its normal position. So yes, you must take action to close your diastasis.

If you think you have diastasis recti, you might want to learn how to check yourself for a diastasis.


Yes! Most conditions even some severe diastasis recti can be repaired without undergoing surgery. In fact, therapeutic exercises taught by medical or fitness professionals trained in treating diastasis recti, is usually the first line of intervention and NOT surgery. Remember, with surgery they are just stitching your connective tissue and the stitching can come undone.

In short, treatment and the right exercise program exercise is key. If you are diagnosed with DRA (either by checking yourself or getting checked by a professional)know that there is no standard treatment plan for diastasis recti.

Some abdominal exercises may worsen your DRA. When you see your belly form in a dome-like position vertically along the midline of your abdomen or when you feel any sort of pain in your abdominal area, it is best to stop. Thankfully, here you don’t need to apply the famous workout motto “no pain, no gain” when doing your DR exercises. Also, know that if you have a severe diastasis you may not be able to feel your abdominal muscles working.

That is why it is vital that you make sure the program you do is a proven, evidence-based and research-backed DRA treatment program. Because not doing so might cause your diastasis to worsen as mentioned before.

Avoiding an unnecessary surgery will save you money ( this surgery is not covered by insurance) and a long and painful recovery process. However, if surgery is necessary, it is crucial that you prepare your body before having surgery. Please watch this video to understand why preparation is necessary for a successful outcome.

What are some of the common myths about repairing DRA?

a. Diastasis recti can only be repaired through surgery.

b. Diastasis recti can be repaired by performing ALL sorts of exercises.

c. It is okay to do only a set of home exercises in treating your diastasis recti.

All three statements are false. 

Diastasis recti CAN be repaired noninvasively and through a well-defined and properly structured exercise program. Blindly doing core exercises or crunches may in fact worsen your condition.

How will you know which exercises should be avoided?  

The best way is to read my book called Together Tummy. It will tell you exactly why exercises such as sit-ups or crunches, straight leg raises, Pilate movements, forward cross over movements will make the diastasis worse.

What is the Best Non-invasive DR treatment Out There?

Since I have been working on The Tupler Technique® for just about 30 years…. I just happen to think my program is the best! It is a 4 step-program that heals your connective tissues by repositioning, protecting, strengthening them. These four steps include wearing a splint throughout the 18- week program, it also includes the Tupler Technique® exercises (Elevator, Contracting and Head Lifts), developing transverse awareness with activities of daily living and getting up and down correctly from seated to standing and seated to back lying. My statistics (which I am hoping will be published in a medical journal soon) shows that my program can make a diastasis 55% smaller in six weeks!

For more info about my program click here

The Tupler Technique® may just be the method you’re looking for. Always look at the numbers because they don’t lie. Take a peek at the statistics here and see what the numbers say. It is a program that repairs your diastasis by strengthening the connective tissue.

Will Wearing a Splint Help?

By now you’re probably imagining or gearing yourself up for a set of exercises that will solve your tummy problem, but let me break it to you: the Tupler Technique® is different from other kinds of DRA treatment in a sense that it does not start with an exercise routine right away, but after a 6- week healing process which allows the connective tissue to heal by wearing a splint while developing abdominal muscle awareness with activities of daily living.

While the term splint may register to your mind as a wooden material used for campfires, it is actually an abdominal approximator that can put your connective tissue in a narrow position and bring your abdominal muscles closer together. Just wearing a splint will NOT make your diastasis smaller. Wearing the splint only repositions the separated abdominal muscles and stretch out connective tissue.

What Exercises Can You Do to Help Close Your Diastasis?

Now that have your splint to reposition your muscles and connective tissue, you are ready to do the seated abdominal exercises for the first three weeks of the program.

The seated exercises primarily focus on the transversus abdominis muscles and the ab muscles which are the deepest muscle in the abdominal area. These muscles act as your built-in organic waistband that is responsible in holding your organs in.

The following exercises can strengthen your abdominal muscles and bring you closer to full restoration


In this picture, we see the before and after comparison of a person using the Tupler Technique® as a means of diastasis recti repair. This comparison was made after 18 weeks of difference! In the “before” photo, we can see how she also had umbilical hernia just by looking at her bulging belly button. Her abdomen protrudes outward in a dome-like form which is a common symptom for diastasis recti abdominis. After following the Tupler Technique®, visible changes can be seen; her navel was not protruded and out, her waist slimmed down, and the dome-like form was no longer there.

For more before and after photos.


According to the RealSelf reviews, the average cost for diastasis recti repair through tummy-tuck surgery is typically around 9,050 dollars and can range from $6,900 to $11,500 dollars. However, this may depend on where you are located and the doctor you choose.

However, if you think that the Tupler Technique® is the best solution for closing your diastasis, then click here to see the products needed to close your diastasis. here are some of the prices for the essential Tupler Technique® products you should get. To find a Trained Professional in your area click here. To learn more about our support services click here.

Can Your Diastasis Repair Be Covered by Insurance?

Here’s the bad news - Diastasis is not usually considered a medical necessity, which makes it typically not covered by insurance.

Most doctors consider it as a cosmetic condition rather than one that needs intervention, However, if your type of DRA condition is paired with the side effect of back pain, which is covered by insurance, you could get it insurance coverage.  

Final Thoughts

 Your diastasis only gets worse with age and improper exercise. So I am hoping you will take the first step in treating your diastasis by checking to see if you have one and how severe it is. Watch the video below on how to check yourself.

 I’m hoping you will trust me that the Tupler Technique® is the best solution for your diastasis and check out my website Diastasis Rehab to get a lot more information on my products and support services.

Experience Our Complimentary Introductory Program: REGISTERE HERE" Then highlight mo ang REGISTER HERE.

To learn more about Diastasis Recti & the Tupler Technique® read this article: DIASTASIS RECTI RESEARCH AND EVIDENCED BASED EXERCISE PROGRAM

To view my women's programs click this link: WOMEN'S PROGRAM PACKAGES

Watch the short video below to know what a diastasis is.



Abdominal Separation: The Best 5 Exercises for a Stronger Core!
You, like many of my clients, are wondering what a Abdominal Separation or Diastasis recti safe workout is.   A...
How  Can You Prevent Diastasis Recti When Doing Sports?
Sports such as tennis, golf, and swimming backstroke are common factors in causing or aggravating a diastasis. Sports like these that...
DOWNLOAD DIASTSIS RECTI EXERCISE TIPS DOWNLOAD WOMEN & DIASTASIS This program is for any woman at any time with or...
A Bulging Belly May Be More Than Just Fat
Limited time offer experience our complimentary  INTRODUCTory program Limited time offer experience our complimentary  INTRODUCTory program REGISTER HERE WOMEN &...
How Water Helps to Flatten Your Belly
My customers frequently ask me if it is too late to mend their connective tissue. My response is always the...


Repairing your Diastasis recti?

Have you gotten tired of the question “when are you due?” Thinking what you should do with that large belly that still makes you look pregnant AKA ab separation AKA Diastasis Recti Abdominis(DRA)?

By now you must have already known that DRA is a separation of the muscles along the midline of the abdomen.

Undoubtedly you have, with scholarly fervor and determination, vowed to turn to trusty ol’ Google to embark on a quest for information on the next logical step ----- treatment of DRA. You might type in the words– diastasis recti repair or treatment in the Google search box.

Well, you’re in luck.

You just saved yourself from hours of scouring for information on the internet. Read through this blog and learn the answers to the 9 most burning question about repairing diastasis recti.

Some women think that having diastasis recti is a permanent condition, accepting it as a normal side effect after giving birth. However, it can only be permanent when you allow it to be! DRA commonly occurs on women but not exclusively. It also affects men and children as well. Needless to say, having diastasis recti is not an easy burden for anyone.


Simply put, it is a number of medical treatments aimed at correcting DRA. It does this by closing the gap that is caused by the separated abdominal muscles. This can be done by strengthening the abdominal muscles and repairing the connective tissues which holds them together until it returns into its normal position. Another way is through a surgical procedure commonly known as a tummy tuck aka abdominoplasty. With a tummy tuck they are just sewing the connective tissue. I have seen clients whose tummy tucks have come undone.


After reading the long but effective methods of diastasis recti repair whether it is through exercise or surgery, you might be wondering: do I really have to undergo one of these methods or will my diastasis recti repair or close the gap by itself as time passes? 

Unfortunately, without exercise or tummy-tuck surgery, it would be impossible for your diastasis recti to repair itself. This condition only gets worse as you age! Separation of the abdominal muscles is not something that can repair itself, as it is already stretched out of its normal position. So yes, you must take action to close your diastasis.

If you think you have diastasis recti, you might want to learn how to check yourself for a diastasis.


Yes! Most conditions even some severe diastasis recti can be repaired without undergoing surgery. In fact, therapeutic exercises taught by medical or fitness professionals trained in treating diastasis recti, is usually the first line of intervention and NOT surgery. Remember, with surgery they are just stitching your connective tissue and the stitching can come undone.

In short, treatment and the right exercise program exercise is key. If you are diagnosed with DRA (either by checking yourself or getting checked by a professional)know that there is no standard treatment plan for diastasis recti.

Some abdominal exercises may worsen your DRA. When you see your belly form in a dome-like position vertically along the midline of your abdomen or when you feel any sort of pain in your abdominal area, it is best to stop. Thankfully, here you don’t need to apply the famous workout motto “no pain, no gain” when doing your DR exercises. Also, know that if you have a severe diastasis you may not be able to feel your abdominal muscles working.

That is why it is vital that you make sure the program you do is a proven, evidence-based and research-backed DRA treatment program. Because not doing so might cause your diastasis to worsen as mentioned before.

Avoiding an unnecessary surgery will save you money ( this surgery is not covered by insurance) and a long and painful recovery process. However, if surgery is necessary, it is crucial that you prepare your body before having surgery. Please watch this video to understand why preparation is necessary for a successful outcome.

What are some of the common myths about repairing DRA?

a. Diastasis recti can only be repaired through surgery.

b. Diastasis recti can be repaired by performing ALL sorts of exercises.

c. It is okay to do only a set of home exercises in treating your diastasis recti.

All three statements are false. 

Diastasis recti CAN be repaired noninvasively and through a well-defined and properly structured exercise program. Blindly doing core exercises or crunches may in fact worsen your condition.

How will you know which exercises should be avoided?  

The best way is to read my book called Together Tummy. It will tell you exactly why exercises such as sit-ups or crunches, straight leg raises, Pilate movements, forward cross over movements will make the diastasis worse.

What is the Best Non-invasive DR treatment Out There?

Since I have been working on The Tupler Technique® for just about 30 years…. I just happen to think my program is the best! It is a 4 step-program that heals your connective tissues by repositioning, protecting, strengthening them. These four steps include wearing a splint throughout the 18- week program, it also includes the Tupler Technique® exercises (Elevator, Contracting and Head Lifts), developing transverse awareness with activities of daily living and getting up and down correctly from seated to standing and seated to back lying. My statistics (which I am hoping will be published in a medical journal soon) shows that my program can make a diastasis 55% smaller in six weeks!

For more info about my program click here

The Tupler Technique® may just be the method you’re looking for. Always look at the numbers because they don’t lie. Take a peek at the statistics here and see what the numbers say. It is a program that repairs your diastasis by strengthening the connective tissue.

Will Wearing a Splint Help?

By now you’re probably imagining or gearing yourself up for a set of exercises that will solve your tummy problem, but let me break it to you: the Tupler Technique® is different from other kinds of DRA treatment in a sense that it does not start with an exercise routine right away, but after a 6- week healing process which allows the connective tissue to heal by wearing a splint while developing abdominal muscle awareness with activities of daily living.

While the term splint may register to your mind as a wooden material used for campfires, it is actually an abdominal approximator that can put your connective tissue in a narrow position and bring your abdominal muscles closer together. Just wearing a splint will NOT make your diastasis smaller. Wearing the splint only repositions the separated abdominal muscles and stretch out connective tissue.

What Exercises Can You Do to Help Close Your Diastasis?

Now that have your splint to reposition your muscles and connective tissue, you are ready to do the seated abdominal exercises for the first three weeks of the program.

The seated exercises primarily focus on the transversus abdominis muscles and the ab muscles which are the deepest muscle in the abdominal area. These muscles act as your built-in organic waistband that is responsible in holding your organs in.

The following exercises can strengthen your abdominal muscles and bring you closer to full restoration


In this picture, we see the before and after comparison of a person using the Tupler Technique® as a means of diastasis recti repair. This comparison was made after 18 weeks of difference! In the “before” photo, we can see how she also had umbilical hernia just by looking at her bulging belly button. Her abdomen protrudes outward in a dome-like form which is a common symptom for diastasis recti abdominis. After following the Tupler Technique®, visible changes can be seen; her navel was not protruded and out, her waist slimmed down, and the dome-like form was no longer there.

For more before and after photos.


According to the RealSelf reviews, the average cost for diastasis recti repair through tummy-tuck surgery is typically around 9,050 dollars and can range from $6,900 to $11,500 dollars. However, this may depend on where you are located and the doctor you choose.

However, if you think that the Tupler Technique® is the best solution for closing your diastasis, then click here to see the products needed to close your diastasis. here are some of the prices for the essential Tupler Technique® products you should get. To find a Trained Professional in your area click here. To learn more about our support services click here.

Can Your Diastasis Repair Be Covered by Insurance?

Here’s the bad news - Diastasis is not usually considered a medical necessity, which makes it typically not covered by insurance.

Most doctors consider it as a cosmetic condition rather than one that needs intervention, However, if your type of DRA condition is paired with the side effect of back pain, which is covered by insurance, you could get it insurance coverage.  

Final Thoughts

 Your diastasis only gets worse with age and improper exercise. So I am hoping you will take the first step in treating your diastasis by checking to see if you have one and how severe it is. Watch the video below on how to check yourself.

 I’m hoping you will trust me that the Tupler Technique® is the best solution for your diastasis and check out my website Diastasis Rehab to get a lot more information on my products and support services.

Experience Our Complimentary Introductory Program: REGISTERE HERE" Then highlight mo ang REGISTER HERE.

To learn more about Diastasis Recti & the Tupler Technique® read this article: DIASTASIS RECTI RESEARCH AND EVIDENCED BASED EXERCISE PROGRAM

To view my women's programs click this link: WOMEN'S PROGRAM PACKAGES

Watch the short video below to know what a diastasis is.



Abdominal Separation: The Best 5 Exercises for a Stronger Core!
You, like many of my clients, are wondering what a Abdominal Separation or Diastasis recti safe workout is.   A...
How  Can You Prevent Diastasis Recti When Doing Sports?
Sports such as tennis, golf, and swimming backstroke are common factors in causing or aggravating a diastasis. Sports like these that...
DOWNLOAD DIASTSIS RECTI EXERCISE TIPS DOWNLOAD WOMEN & DIASTASIS This program is for any woman at any time with or...
A Bulging Belly May Be More Than Just Fat
Limited time offer experience our complimentary  INTRODUCTory program Limited time offer experience our complimentary  INTRODUCTory program REGISTER HERE WOMEN &...
How Water Helps to Flatten Your Belly
My customers frequently ask me if it is too late to mend their connective tissue. My response is always the...